Modes of Collaboration // together with the DFG research group “Media and Participation”

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Organisation chart “Media and Participation”: Structure of subgroups of the research project

The annual conference of the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) research group “Media and Participation: Between Demand and Entitlement”(1), which took place from 15 to 16 November in Constance, was held under the motto “Temporalisieren – Verschalten – Teilhabende Kritik“(2). As Beate Ochsner, head of the research project, which is divided into five sub-groups (TP I – V), emphasised at the beginning, these three terms guide the research for the whole project, with a different weighting in each sub-group.
Accordingly, guest speakers embedded these three terms in various discursive fields: thus the media-studies scholar Marcus Burkhardt (University of Siegen) for his keynote I, dedicated to the term “Verschalten (Interconnection)”, discussed contemporary media-studies access to forms of non-human and human connections against the backdrop of developments of an AI (artificial intelligence); Keynote II by the media archaeologist Wolfgang Ernst (Humboldt University Berlin) was dedicated to the term “Temporalisieren (temporalisation)”: following praxeologies of media archaeology each starting point of Ernst’s inquiries is based in each medium’s techno-logical events and not in a human phenomenological perspective; Keynote III “Teilhabende Kritik (Participatory Critique)” by the media-studies scholar Brigitta Kuster (Humboldt University Berlin) raised questions around possibilities of a “Cinema of Care” following an understanding of cinema as place of rehearsals and social interactions.

(1) “Media and Participation” research group:
(2) Annual conference: “Temporalisieren – Verschalten – Teilhabende Kritik”: (3) Sub-project (TP) 5: “Teilhabende Kritik als transformierendes und transversales Mit”:
(4) “Building Multicausalities” video (2019):
(5) “Between Cause and Effect” article at