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Strategien der Identitätssuche:
In den Performances von Ulrike Rosenbach

Iris Julia Gütler

Link: Amazon
Paperback: 132 Pages
Publisher: VDM Verlag, Saarbruecken, 2009
Language: German

In this publication performances and video-works which the artist Ulrike Rosenbach has made during the 1970s have been scrutinized. Their central point of motivation can be found in he feminist ideology. Because of radical changes which the new feminist movement has undergone since its times of commencement, end of 1960s / beginning 1970s, the chosen operas have been discussed on various layers. First of all art historical and theoretical sources have been located in various archives (e. g. via the help of “Ariadne Database” at Oesterreichische Nationalbibliothek). Thus the genesis could be retraced leading to a widespread understanding of the single opera. In order to view the works from a contemporary position and re-value their potential for present times Judith Butlers postfeminist theories have been consulted.

/ ... serien von ... / ...series of...

Iris Julian
catalogue of operas between 2004 to 2010
with an article by Elisabeth Fritz

Paperback: 48 sheets
Publisher: Iris Julian (Gütler), Vienna, 2010
Languages: German, English

The artistic working process of Iris Julian very often results in serial structures. The serial formation lends itself to the excerption of freeze images from video works: the stills transform the movements' continuum in singular steps. The serial aesthetic can be also made visible by a single photograph: “transit_360”, a project at the interface of performance and photography is working explicitly with “a picture within a picture effect”: the stays in various cities remain visible as sediment in the photographs. The series as an idea as such bears the potential for an infinite continuation and repetition. In this sense the artworks are understood without beginning and ending, as a chain which comes into existence in the context of thematic fields and ends arbitrarily. This also means that they are apt for resuming, reinterpretation and transformation.

split identities / bodies / choreographies

Iris Julian
with a foreword by Sigrid Gareis

Link: Amazon
Paperback: 84 sheets
Publisher: Iris Julian (Gütler), Vienna, 2008
Language: German

The theme of this tripartite publication unfolds itself along the chain of terms identity/sex/body/soul. Its theoretical starting point is based in various positions as they are e. g. represented by Judith Butler, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Lacan. They all have something in common, namely an understanding of “identity” which is not essentialistic any more. The term “soul” is not perceived as some kind of core inside the subject or the being, instead the human personality is read in a multilayered way and interpreted as influenced by the outside world.
By dealing with these constructs of ideas in a perennial process a selfanalysis full of relish evolved, which is partly autobiographical partly fictive.